(865) 436-5499

How do I Apply for Building Permits?

The Town of Pittman Center has a full service building department. Applications for permits are generally reviewed within five business days.  Please complete the appropriate building packet and email  to Tammy Watts at tkwatts@pittmancentertn.gov or drop the packet off at City Hall during normal business hours. (Mon-Fri 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.)  You will be contacted once your application has been reviewed. Below you will find the links to applications, zoning ordinance and zoning map.


Pittman Zoning Ordinance Updated 06.06.24

Pittman Zoning Map Updated 10-2020

Pittman Subdivision Regulations 2022

Building Permit Commercial Packet

Building Permit Residential Packet

No Building Permit Required List

Submissions for Planning Commission/Design Review/Board of Zoning are required to be turned in no later than by the close of the day on the 15th of the month prior to the meeting. 

Please contact Pittman Center City Hall for any questions regarding your Pittman Center Building Permits at 865-436-5499 Mon. – Fri. 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

You may also email your questions to asutton@pittmancentertn.gov.